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Contact Info

Ønsker du ikke længere at modtage direkte markedsføring fra ConsumersConnect og vores partnere, er du
velkommen til at tilbagekalde dit samtykke. Dette gør du ved at kontakte ConsumersConnect på:

Tilbagekaldelse af samtykke: du kan også til enhver tid kontakte vores samarbejdspartnere med henblik på at tilbagekalde dine samtykker. Du kan du gøre det telefonisk eller via afmeldingslink i direkte markedsføring (e-mailen/SMS'en/MMS'en), du modtager fra sponsorer.
Sponsors may contact me by email, phone, text or post with more interesting offers. Please check our privacy policy to see which data we are gathering and sharing. Participation is free of charge!
Your preference per communication channel via e-mail, mobile phone and own (mobile) websites are used by Media Pay Plus / Yousweeps in line with previously consumed products and services and the promotional terms and privacy policy. Click here if you do not wish to give your consent for the disclosure of data to third parties.
Your preference per communication channel via e-mail, mobile phone and own (mobile) websites are used by Webite / Consumers Connect in line with previously consumed products and services and the promotional terms and privacy policy. Click here if you do not wish to give your consent for the disclosure of data to third parties.
Your preference per communication channel via e-mail, mobile phone and own (mobile) websites are used by Media Pay Plus / Foryoupromo in line with previously consumed products and services and the promotional terms and privacy policy. Click here if you do not wish to give your consent for the disclosure of data to third parties.
Your preference per communication channel via e-mail, mobile phone and own (mobile) websites are used by Conversion Factory / Surfeyo in line with previously consumed products and services and the promotional terms and privacy policy. Click here if you do not wish to give your consent for the disclosure of data to third parties.
Your preference per communication channel via e-mail, mobile phone and own (mobile) websites are used by Media Pay Plus / Top Retail Rewards in line with previously consumed products and services and the promotional terms and privacy policy. Click here if you do not wish to give your consent for the disclosure of data to third parties.
OBS: Vi kontakter vinderen per telefonisk.
Vinderen får tilsendt præmien.

Ja tak, jeg vil gerne deltage i konkurrencen. Jeg giver samtykke til at modtage markedsføring via telefonopkald, SMS, og e-mail fra ConsumersConnect og konkurrencens {{sponsorAmount}} partnere. Læs om dit samtykke, ConsumersConnect, konkurrencens partnere, deres produkter og kommunikationsformer her. ConsumersConnect må desuden anvende mit samtykke til at spørge mig, om jeg ønsker at opdatere mit samtykke mht. nye samarbejdspartnere, produkter eller kontaktformer.

ConsumersConnect kan kontaktes på: help@consumers-connect.com
Jeg kan til enhver tid framelde mig direkte markedsføring, se mere her
Udfyld dine informationer på denne side for at deltage i konkurrencen.